Friday, August 04, 2006

bagels and baseball

greatest product invented in this century (so far)...

that's right, square bagels. perfect for making sandwiches with, or you can just eat them like a regular bagel. i had a tuna and cheese sandwich toasted on a square bagel for supper tonight, and it was perfectly delicious. and the tuna fish didn't fall out of the middle hole like it usually does with a round bagel, which immediately vaulted it into the "wicked awesome" stratosphere

a close second in the "amazing inventions of the 21st century" competition is the wireless optical mouse. i just bought one today (hooray for best buy gift cards!), and it's flippin' sweet. not quite as cool as the square bagel, but definitely a worthy purchase

while we're on a "posting random pictures" kick... what's wrong with this photo?

(hint... it has something to do with his uniform)

(your guess is wrong. i guarantee it)

give up? well, here's what he should be wearing:

get it? ortiz=superman. in case you missed the subtle hint. and if you have to ask why, then you obviously are not a baseball fan. and if that's the case, i have no use for you. so go away

(i'm kidding)


superman was a pretty swell movie. worth seeing if you get the chance. and if you can't make it to the theater, he also bats third in the red sox lineup, so you can catch him there too

that's all... good night now



At 8/05/2006 4:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baseball? Wassat?


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