Tuesday, May 02, 2006

windshield wipers hate me

i won't apologize for the lack of recent activity here. i'm busy, and i have higher priorities than blogging (namely, sleeping and eating). work is going really well... i feel like i'm finally in a groove at both jobs. it's nice to be able to roll into work every day, know what you're supposed to do, and know that you'll be able to do it well. it's a comforting feeling

it rained all day today, pretty hard, and it's supposed to rain for most of tomorrow. this normally wouldn't be a big deal, except for the fact that my right-hand side wiper blade decided to spontaneously quit. it's not a big deal, since i can still see fine, but it figures that it'd pick the first rainy day in a while to take a vacation. i've had a horrible run of luck with wipers; this is my third car in a row that has had some quirky fluke with them. the stylus had to have the wiper motor replaced, and after that you had to time when you turned the wipers off just right, otherwise they'd stop right where they were, like in the middle of the window. then with the saab, whenever you put them on the "intermittent" setting, they'd stop at random times, intervals, and locations. it was really weird. and now, i'm down to 50% functionability. so i'll probably try and get that fixed sometime soon

i have next week off from delorme. i wish i didn't, but they're doing some remodeling and inter-office relocating, so they need some time to get things moved around and squared away. normally i'd appreciate the time off, but i'm already taking the last week of the month off from both jobs to head out to ohio (wedding, get-togethers, etc.), so it's a little painful in the pocketbook to have another unpaid mini-vacation. oh well. at least i'll get to do some catching-up on sleep

red sox/yankees got rained out. bummer.

i went to get fitted for a tux yesterday, and three different people asked me if i was getting ready for prom. NO. i am probably at least five years past the prom-eligible (minus moms and creepy older boyfriends) stage of my life. yes, i realize it's that time of year, but may/june are also a pretty big couple of month for weddings last time i checked. and i'd like to think that i'm beyond "preppy high schooler" typecasting, and am close to gaining "grizzled warehouse veteran" status

oh well. there's worse things in life than looking young



At 5/04/2006 6:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many moons ago, when we lived in New Hampshire, we had a quirky little Subaru wagon. You could run exactly two electrical items at one time - no more.

If it was cold and rainy, you could use lights and wipers but no heat. You'd have to kill the wipers to run the defroster. If you added in the radio, you blew a fuse. And forget the rear wiper...you'd blow a fuse.
We had to keep a stash of extra fuses in the glove box!

At 5/04/2006 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That comment about the Subaru was from Sherrybell

At 5/06/2006 12:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes. all the time at work. probly once a week, i get things like, "so, are you really a nurse?" (no, i just wear the nametag), "so, you still in school?", "are you old enough to be a nurse?", "you look like one of my son's friends... he's 15." yeah. amazing.

At 5/06/2006 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee. I wish folks would talk like that about ME!!!!!!!!


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