Friday, March 03, 2006

i like to wurk

it feels good to be a semi-productive member of society once again. i'm sure i'll be jonesing for a vacation within the month, but right now i'm just super glad to be working again, even if it's just part time. plus it's nice to have the cash influx equal the cash outflow so i'm not hemorrhaging money anymore. that's always a plus

my friend and former roomie andrew c. is coming up later tonight. he'll probably chill here for most of spring break, which should be pretty sweet. we'll play tons of scrabble and epic duels and make taco bell runs like there's no tomorrow. maybe we'll even go play "hey, cow!" again, since that game is pretty much the best ever. anyhow, it should be some good times

i signed up for a trial of netflix, and i have to say... i'm pretty darn impressed. if you rent more than two movies a month, it'd be worth your while to switch over to their services instead of making the trek to your local blockbuster. i've been feasting on 24, and am almost done with the series (two discs left to go). i've also found some movies that i've been wanting to see for a while that none of the local video stores carry, so i'm pretty stoked to have those waiting on the horizon. i just need to make sure that i don't turn into some video-crazed fiend, watching 2 or 3 hours worth a day. that'd be bad

(brief sidenote for luke: after rating a bunch of movies on netflix, guess what showed up at the top of my recommendations list? season one of the shield. i thought that was pretty cool)

i'm sensing a taco bell run in the near future...



At 3/04/2006 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just don't get anxious and watch without me!!!


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